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Blog Posts

The Language of Autism

The language of autism can be quite challenging at times. Thankfully, I am very familiar with the language of autism. […]

Watching Jonathan WEAP

Jonathan’s WEAP team was the guiding force of mission central. Every goal and each new program building the foundation that […]

Watching Autism WEAP

What do autism and WEAP have in common? Initially, I had no idea, except that I finally had an ally […]

Autism, Meet the Dream Team

Dreams. They appear to us from a variety of directions. Whether during our nightly slumber, moments of daydreams or those […]

Accepting Autism

While much has been done to raise autism awareness over the years, acceptance doesn’t come as easily. It’s not just […]

Autism Awareness

April is Autism Awareness month. With that in mind I’m aware of the many lessons and experiences I have learned […]

Riding Out Another Storm

After Cassie’s accident, I immediately disposed of all of her footie PJ’s. This was perhaps me being a bit neurotic, […]